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Shared Hosting

For plenty of power and room to grow, go Dedicated and get the whole box to yourself.


What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting service where multiple websites are hosted on a single physical server. Each website shares the server’s resources, including CPU, memory, disk space, and bandwidth, with other websites hosted on the same server.

Advanced Shared Hosting Features

Intrinsicly actualize out-of-the-box niche markets for backward-compatible web services.

Top-notch Security

DDoS protection, firewall protection, and malware scanning to keep your website safe from threats.

Full Control

With cPanel, users get full control over their hosting environment and website settings.

SSD-Based Hosting

Experience faster load times and improved performance with solid-state drive (SSD) storage.

24/7 Live Support

Access our expert support team anytime, day or night, for assistance with any hosting-related issues or questions.

Choose Hosting Plan for you Needs

Shared Basic

Launch scalable servers in minutes

Save 75% with 12/mo




Shared Premium

Launch scalable servers in minutes

Save 75% with 12/mo



Shared Business

Launch scalable servers in minutes

Save 75% with 12/mo



We are here to Help you with

Comprehensive support to assist you with any hosting-related issues or questions you may have.
Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to help you with:

Technical Support

Whether you’re experiencing website downtime, server errors, or configuration issues, our technical support team is here to troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues promptly.

Account Assistance

Need help with account setup, billing inquiries, or account management tasks? Our support team can provide guidance and assistance to ensure your account is set up and managed effectively.

24/7/365 Support

We prioritize uptime and reliability, ensuring that your website remains accessible to your audience 24/7.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions? We have your answers!

Dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting service where an entire physical server is leased or dedicated exclusively to one client or website. In other words, the client rents the entire server and has full control over its resources, configurations, and management.

Key features of dedicated hosting include:

1. **Exclusive Resources**: With dedicated hosting, the client has access to all the resources of the server, including CPU, RAM, disk space, and bandwidth, without sharing them with other users or websites.

2. **Customization**: Clients have the flexibility to customize the server configuration according to their specific requirements, including installing custom software, modifying server settings, and optimizing performance.

3. **Performance**: Dedicated hosting offers superior performance compared to shared or VPS hosting, as the client has exclusive access to the server’s resources, ensuring consistent performance and reliability.

4. **Security**: Dedicated hosting provides enhanced security compared to shared hosting, as the client has full control over security measures, including firewalls, encryption, and access controls, reducing the risk of security breaches or unauthorized access.

5. **Reliability**: With dedicated hosting, clients benefit from the stability and reliability of having dedicated resources, ensuring uptime and availability for their website or application.

6. **Scalability**: Dedicated hosting offers scalability to accommodate the client’s growing needs. Clients can easily upgrade or downgrade server resources as needed without migrating to a new server.

7. **Managed or Unmanaged Options**: Clients can choose between managed and unmanaged dedicated hosting options. With managed hosting, the hosting provider handles server maintenance, monitoring, and technical support, while with unmanaged hosting, the client is responsible for managing and maintaining the server.

Dedicated hosting is ideal for businesses, high-traffic websites, resource-intensive applications, and mission-critical workloads that require maximum performance, control, and security. It provides clients with the flexibility, reliability, and scalability needed to support their online ventures successfully.

With a dedicated server, you have exclusive access to all the resources and capabilities of the server, allowing you to do the following:

1. **Host High-Traffic Websites**: Utilize the dedicated server to host high-traffic websites without worrying about resource limitations or performance issues.

2. **Run Resource-Intensive Applications**: Deploy resource-intensive applications, such as databases, CRM systems, or enterprise software, with ample computing power and memory available.

3. **Customize Server Configuration**: Customize the server configuration according to your specific requirements, including installing custom software, modifying server settings, and optimizing performance.

4. **Ensure Data Security**: Enhance data security by implementing robust security measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls, to protect sensitive information stored on the server.

5. **Handle Large File Storage**: Utilize the dedicated server for large file storage, backup, and archival purposes, ensuring reliable and secure storage for your data.

6. **Host Game Servers**: Set up and host multiplayer game servers for online gaming communities, providing a reliable and low-latency gaming experience for players.

7. **Run Virtualization Platforms**: Use the dedicated server as a virtualization platform to create and manage multiple virtual machines, enabling efficient resource utilization and workload isolation.

8. **Support Development Environments**: Establish development and testing environments for software development teams, providing dedicated resources for coding, testing, and debugging applications.

9. **Implement Disaster Recovery**: Implement disaster recovery solutions, such as backup and replication, to ensure business continuity and data resilience in the event of server failures or data loss.

10. **Provide Hosting Services**: Offer hosting services to clients, reselling server resources and managing hosting accounts for websites, applications, or email services.

In summary, a dedicated server offers unparalleled control, flexibility, and performance, enabling you to host websites, run applications, store data, and implement various IT solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

Choosing a dedicated server offers several benefits that make it the ideal choice for certain websites, applications, and businesses. Here are some reasons to consider a dedicated server:

1. **Performance**: Dedicated servers offer unparalleled performance compared to shared or VPS hosting. With dedicated resources, including CPU, RAM, and disk space, your website or application can handle high traffic volumes and resource-intensive tasks without slowdowns or performance issues.

2. **Reliability**: Since you have exclusive access to the server’s resources, there’s no risk of other users impacting your website’s performance or uptime. Dedicated servers provide a stable and reliable hosting environment, ensuring your website is always available to visitors.

3. **Customization**: With a dedicated server, you have full control over server configurations, software installations, and security settings. This level of customization allows you to tailor the server environment to meet the specific needs of your website or application.

4. **Security**: Dedicated servers offer enhanced security compared to shared hosting, as you’re not sharing resources with other users. You can implement robust security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols, to protect your data and mitigate cyber threats.

5. **Scalability**: Dedicated servers provide scalability to accommodate your growing business needs. You can easily upgrade server resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage, as your website or application expands, without the constraints of shared hosting environments.

6. **Compliance Requirements**: Certain industries, such as healthcare, finance, and government, have strict compliance requirements for data security and privacy. Dedicated servers allow you to meet these compliance standards by providing a dedicated hosting environment with full control over security measures and data handling practices.

7. **High-Traffic Websites**: If you operate a high-traffic website or e-commerce store, dedicated hosting ensures optimal performance and reliability, even during peak traffic periods. Dedicated servers can handle large volumes of concurrent visitors and transactions without impacting site performance.

8. **Mission-Critical Applications**: For businesses that rely on mission-critical applications or databases, dedicated servers offer the performance, stability, and security required to ensure uninterrupted operation and data integrity.

Overall, choosing a dedicated server provides you with the control, performance, reliability, and security needed to support your website, application, or business successfully. If you require maximum control over your hosting environment and demand the highest levels of performance and security, a dedicated server is the ideal solution.

With a dedicated server, you have exclusive access to all the resources and capabilities of the server, allowing you to do the following:

1. **Host High-Traffic Websites**: Utilize the dedicated server to host high-traffic websites without worrying about resource limitations or performance issues.

2. **Run Resource-Intensive Applications**: Deploy resource-intensive applications, such as databases, CRM systems, or enterprise software, with ample computing power and memory available.

3. **Customize Server Configuration**: Customize the server configuration according to your specific requirements, including installing custom software, modifying server settings, and optimizing performance.

4. **Ensure Data Security**: Enhance data security by implementing robust security measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls, to protect sensitive information stored on the server.

5. **Handle Large File Storage**: Utilize the dedicated server for large file storage, backup, and archival purposes, ensuring reliable and secure storage for your data.

6. **Host Game Servers**: Set up and host multiplayer game servers for online gaming communities, providing a reliable and low-latency gaming experience for players.

7. **Run Virtualization Platforms**: Use the dedicated server as a virtualization platform to create and manage multiple virtual machines, enabling efficient resource utilization and workload isolation.

8. **Support Development Environments**: Establish development and testing environments for software development teams, providing dedicated resources for coding, testing, and debugging applications.

9. **Implement Disaster Recovery**: Implement disaster recovery solutions, such as backup and replication, to ensure business continuity and data resilience in the event of server failures or data loss.

10. **Provide Hosting Services**: Offer hosting services to clients, reselling server resources and managing hosting accounts for websites, applications, or email services.

In summary, a dedicated server offers unparalleled control, flexibility, and performance, enabling you to host websites, run applications, store data, and implement various IT solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting and Dedicated hosting serve different needs in the realm of web hosting.

VPS Hosting offers a middle ground between shared and dedicated hosting. It provides users with dedicated resources within a virtualized environment, offering more control and flexibility than shared hosting without the high costs associated with dedicated servers. VPS hosting is ideal for websites or applications that require more resources and customization than shared hosting can offer but don’t yet need the full power of a dedicated server.

Dedicated Hosting, on the other hand, provides users with an entire physical server dedicated exclusively to their website or application. This means users have complete control over server resources, configurations, and security. Dedicated hosting is best suited for high-traffic websites, resource-intensive applications, and businesses that require maximum performance, reliability, and security.

In summary, VPS hosting is a cost-effective option for users who need more resources and control than shared hosting but don’t require a dedicated server. Dedicated hosting is the top choice for users who demand the highest levels of performance, customization, and security for their online ventures.

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